To a person who radiates self-confidence, other people are drawn like plants to the sun. In the society of such a person, you feel worthy and comfortable. It is in your power to become such a person, because faith in yourself is something that you can learn.
Technique No. 1. Highlights
Think back to those moments in your life when you felt like a real winner. Recall in your memory all the details of the situation, sounds, smells, catch admiring glances on yourself, plunge into that moment and live it again.
Feel the taste of victory and a sense of pride that overwhelms you, fix this image in your mind, transfer it to the current situation and say to yourself: “It worked then – it will work now.”
Technique No. 2. I am hero
Who would you call the true embodiment of confidence? Whose image immediately appears in your imagination? Perhaps this is a hero from some cult film or a character from your favorite book, a famous host or someone from your environment? Or maybe it is you yourself, but without the slightest hint of timidity, indecision and doubt?
Create an image of such a hero in your imagination, observe how he holds up, what his habits are, how he speaks. Get used to this image, connect with it, you are it.
Remember your hero before bed and, falling asleep, tell yourself that tomorrow morning you will wake up in the form of this 100% confident person. The next day, behave as your character would. Repeat this technique for a week.
Technique No. 3. “Winning” gesture
Our body is the strongest emotional conductor. When we are afraid or anxious, it can be seen with the naked eye: our whole body contracts, our head is pulled into our shoulders, our shoulders drop, our back slouches. But if emotions affect our body in such a way, is an inverse relationship possible? Yes, and this technique is called “wind-up gesture.” It is often used by actors in order to quickly enter the desired image.
This technique allows you to change the internal state in seconds. Stand up straight, take a deep breath, straighten your shoulders, raise your head, look straight ahead … stand there for a few seconds … say something in a firm and even voice, you can even command something. Fix this image to yourself. You are a winner, you are filled with confidence and self-esteem.
It is interesting!
Technique No. 4. Confidence symbol
What object, animal, or plant, is the epitome of confidence to you? It can be anything: a century-old oak tree, the king of beasts – a lion, an impregnable rock or a fortress.
Form this image in your imagination, feel how energy and power fill you. Record this sensation and enjoy it.
Technique No. 5. Confidence cloud
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and relax. Take a deep breath and tell yourself that with every breath you breathe in confidence, strength, energy, and with every breath you breathe out shyness, excitement and anxiety. Take 5 pairs of slow breaths.
Now, without opening your eyes, imagine the color with which you associate confidence. What color do you think confidence can be? When you decide on a color, imagine a cloud of confidence color, surround yourself with a cloud, immerse yourself in it. Enjoy a sense of calm and security.
Now add some music. What kind of music inspires and energizes you? Perhaps it will be Georges Bizet’s Toreador March or something even more life-affirming. To this music, step on the stage of a huge hall, where thousands of people applaud you. Do you hear the applause? This is all for you, you are honored. Embrace success, lock in on it. Take a deep breath and open your eyes.
Technique No. 6. Filling with confidence
This technique includes elements from the Confidence Cloud technique. Relax, close your eyes, imagine the color you associate with confidence.
Now feel how the energy of confidence, colored in your chosen color, fills your entire body, penetrating into every corner, filling every cell of yours. Now turn on your “confidence music” and keep energizing.
The music sounds louder, you feel energized and determined. If you know a smell that you associate with confidence, then remember and smell it. Perhaps it is the smell of leather in the car, the smell of boxing gloves, or a special perfume. Let everything around you be saturated with energy, music and the scent of confidence. Take a deep breath and open your eyes.
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